A school for young children; usually the first 6 or 8 grades.
Examples for "grade school"
Examples for "grade school"
1Eight years' grade school, four high school, four college, then postgraduate studies.
2Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade school years at the embassy in Athens.
3To his credit he didn't start speaking like a grade school teacher.
4In my later grade school years, he and I grew very close.
5I had known all of them through grade school and high school.
1Egli, 16 years older, retired two years ago from teaching elementary school.
2The study lasted nine weeks, and took place among elementary school students.
3Other kids from my first elementary school, however, had made different choices.
4Traci met Dan during her first year as an elementary school teacher.
5In 1906 the first shower bath was installed in an elementary school.
1Question: My daughter is due to start primary school this coming September.
2Read: Drug use amongst Western Cape primary school learners a serious concern
3The new primary school curriculum launched yesterday has met with mixed reactions.
4On Wednesday morning, proceedings at the primary school carried on as normal.
5The Fiji government is making scouting compulsory for older primary school children.
1Back in the grammar school he had started his apprenticeship in athletics.
2Authorizing the city of Williamsburg to raise £2000 for a grammar school.
3Matthew left the grammar school before matriculating and returned to the island.
4The original misspelled grammar school as grammar school and has been corrected.
5Several high and grammar school contests have attracted spectators to the stadium.
6This is the kind of imagery which most interests grammar school pupils.
7Hinds attended a grammar school in Cheshire, a religious one to boot.
8After all, three Tory PMs in a row went to grammar school.
9He had been an English master at Northgate grammar school in Ipswich.
10My son Johnny was at the grammar school, and a towardly child.
11Everybody agrees that we need a high-school and a new grammar school.
12So many girls leave school when their grammar school course is finished.
13The old Latin grammar school, too, had been maintained exclusively for boys.
14Eleven years' training after the grammar school is their minimum standard now.
15At this touch of grammar school raillery, she finally cracked a smile.
16Lowell's own education was four-story: grammar school, high school, college, law school.
Translations for grammar school